Thursday, May 14, 2009

How long does it take to get out of Texas?

We made short work of the 4 hour trip to Fort only took 6 hours. While there, we spent the evening with good friend Carol. She drove us through Trinity River Park after dinner where we found ferral cats and raccoons cohabitating.

Overnight there was a rainstorm and I was reminded how loud rain is when lying 6 inches below a metal roof. Just getting used the RV again and working out our routines.

This morning I decided to try out internet and couldn't find it. We ended up at the Geek Squad for diagnostics. As a result, once again we were off at the crack of noon. This is turning out to be a really long road out of Texas.

Carl got out the scenic drive books and chose 199, the Jackboro Highway. Once we left the trailer zone, which cuts a deep swatch northwest of Ft Worth, it actually was scenic, rolling hills, followed by high plains and then into patches of random canyons similar to the Caprock Canyon landscape. The only excepion to scenic was the town of Jackboro, which is "not quaint". Even the courthouse is a square dull box. West of Seymore our map showed a scenic drive that is a rectangle with the northeast corner marked by Gililand. Carl wanted to bike it clockwise while I drove it counterclockwise. The north south roads were quite scenic canyons, while East West sides were pancake flat fields of lonely lonely grain crops.
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At this point it was 5:30 in the middle of nowhere, so we headed north to Copper Breaks State Park for the night. There's only the park host and us here, and lots of rabbits to drive Daisy nuts. Last night cats, tonight rabbits. According to the sign on the bathrooms, it is also rattlesnake country. I'm going outside to check for stars now. Do rattlesnakes like days or nights?

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