Thursday, September 18, 2008

Making my way back

I can remember where I stood when the power came on, just as surely as I remember where I was when Kennedy was shot. But I exaggerate, and it's only been 24 hours.

I had been telling myself all along how lucky I was, but I hadn't been feeling that way inside, not really. Then the alarm let out a "Honey I'm home" beep and it happened. Serendipity in the form of energy I am know very little about except it has something to do with a kite and a key in a thunderstorm.

It was a big surprise, since only 35% of Houston had power then. By the end of the day, the "haves" were up to 42%. There are power trucks everywhere with all kinds of unfamiliar names on them. On our way home from Austin, we saw convoys of flatbeds loaded with transformers. The power people are doing an amazing job.

I've visited since with several non-powered people. Some of the houses on my street have partial power. It warms the cooktop but not enough to boil water. One of my non-powered friends plans to eat really early in the evening and then go to bed. She finds the cold showers envigorating. That same friend keeps everything important in one place so she can find it in the dark. Another just had the tree removed from her guest bedroom. It required a crane. I drove by today to see the carnage. The tree had 75 rings, and when it fell, it took the sidewalk up with its roots. A pretty impressive hole. I heard from another friend whose bedroom window blew out at 3 am during the storm. She and her husband held a tarp over the hole against the wind and rain till daylight. Way tired, that's what she was.

So yes, I am drinking from the breaks pipeline. I considered handing out food at one of the distribution centers, but there's things to do closer to home. Today Carl and I helped finish a fence so one of our neighbors could let the dogs out of the house. Three dogs and three people, small house. Daisy and the neighbor dogs have been missing their daily through the fence conversations, so tonight is probably open mike night for the canines. Let's howl!

Traveling surface streets requires more than the usual concentration. The best case at most intersections is blinking red lights. But many have no lights at all, so motorists tend not to notice the intersection and blow through it. Freeways are the way to go this week, as they don't have missing lights.
The piles of tree debris are growing daily. It feels like there is a competition: my pile's bigger than your pile, my pile required a chainsaw, my pile covers my whole yard, my pile has a whole tree in it, my pile has a tree and my fence too, I would make a pile, but that tree is in my power line and I'm not touching it! I am just so grateful not to be a coastal resident. Then my pile would be my house.

Tomorrow I am giving a pint a blood. I'd give more if they would take it. I've been blessed. If you are a Houstonian reading this, they need your O+ the most! Otherwise your platelets, for cancer patients and hemophiliacs who don't quit needing them.


CaShThoMa said...

Wow; so glad you have your power on again; my Houston extended family (I believe) is still without. All those downed trees are incredible; sad scene, I'm sure.

Best to all along the Gulf Coast who got hit by the wrath of Ike last week.

CaShThoMa said...

Yes, I'm MM's sister! Fun to read your blog; I'm enjoying it very much.