Duck Creek Cemetery is the final resting place of many a soul. This particular soul seems a little restless. I have been presented with a refractory explanation for the Orb of light over the gravestone, but I cling to my belief that this is the soul of one who has not been able to move on. So many who might have unfinished business here......mothers who died in childbirth, interred with their babies; children, marked by tiny stones next to their parents; second wives, interred next to the first; an entire family dead within a week, victims of diseases we no longer fear; men washed away at sea; veterans of the civil war.

Epitaphs tell of their love, their despair, their hopes for the beyond.
"This youth in the midst of present youthfulness and future promise was lost in the disastrous wreck of the Schooner Warrior..."
"Friends pray stop awhile, here I'm buried with my child...."
"Snatched from her loving mate in the bloom of life...."
"Tree and fruit shall spring again.."
"In the firm belief of a glorious resurrection...."
I pass this way and remember them, imagining their lives, and I offer a prayer that they are in peace.
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