9. The Therme. Since it was raining, the pool was closed and we went to the cave instead. The temperature is about 95, the humidity 100%. In the cave, you can choose to steam in three rooms: Purgatory, Limbo, or the Inferno. No extra charge for the little starched white outfits. After the cave, you get pressure washed, but they call it a hydromassage.
8. Romans in gladiator outfits at the Colosseum, talking on cell phones, smoking cigarettes. Too funny.
7. Dinner with the sisters. We stayed in a convent hotel in Rome, and one night we elected to have dinner there, thinking we would be surrounded with singing nuns and happy families. We were the only two patrons. No sisters, no priests, just us.
6. Watching world's funniest videos in Italian.
5. Riding the merry go round in Piazza Republica.
4. The head of St. Catherine on display in a basilica in Siena.
3. The .85 Euro store.
2. Walking home one night with a life size cardboard cutout of Leonardo de Capri, found on a Florence street.
1. Italian police. I love a man in uniform.